다시 보기 온라인 무료 보기. For the End of Time is a film about the mind… a film about the body and our inability to merge these two entities which are shaping a form of civilization known under the term “human”. A human is not a being unto itself. A human is a construct… a civilization-related coding of a certain precise time and place. A human is not a uniform creature. A human is a split between many things… but the worst is the split carried inside… that between the mind and the body… How can we feel others, if the only universe that an individual truly lives in and feels is his or her own universe? How can you feel for the other… How can the other feel for you? Only as much as the pain of the other resembles yours – thus as a reminiscence of one’s own pain. This is the only way. For the End of Time is a film on a quest… for the eternal longing “to find the real thing.
뉴욕의 스트리퍼 ‘아노라’는 자신의 바를 찾은 철부지 러시아 재벌2세 ‘이반’을 만나게 되고 충동적인 사랑을 믿고 허황된 신분 상승을 꿈꾸며 결혼식을 올리게 된다. 그러나 신데렐라 스토리를 꿈꿨던 것도 잠시, 한 번도 본 적 없는 ‘이반’의 부모님이 아들의 결혼 사실을 알게 되자 길길이 날뛰며 미국에 있는 하수인 3인방에게 둘을 잡아 혼인무효소송을 진행할 것을 지시한다. 하수인 3인이 들이닥치자 부모님이 무서워 겁에 질린 남편 ‘이반’은 ‘아노...